Friday, May 23, 2008

Week 2 / Thing 3 (cont) & Thing 4: Blogs, Avatars & Register

I've made avatars before. Here's one I made last summer with Joyce Valenza. We used to make this one. I used this site with high school students, and they had a blast creating avatars. I think avatars work really well with students because they get to be creative and apply their personalities. I like the yahoo avatars also especially the addition of the backgrounds.

I appreciate your instructions on how to save and post the yahoo avatar. I might not have seen the small link on the right side of the page without your help. Thanks.
And I've officially registered! Do I get a prize for starting early? (tee hee)


Raven About Web 2.0 Team said...

I love the tektek avatars. In many ways they are more fun than the yahoo ones but tektek is blocked at school....sigh. Love the hair on your yahoo avatar:-)


Aunt Books said...

Actually, tektek isn't blocked at school anymore. I got them unblocked for my project. I think it's still unblocked.
My hair is actually almost that color. Maybe I should try purple like my other avatar!

Ann said...

It isn't blocked....I hadn't even checked recently. Wahoooo.

wendy said...

OMG(osh) it actually looks like you!!

Katie said...

I'm glad to learn of other sites for avatars. I like Yahoo's but there are not enough choices if we're all going to use the same site. I found another site I played with a bit called Some of the items are free and some cost money..either real or their own currency. I wasted way tooooo much time playing with clothing and accessory choices one night.